I love the rumblings of a spring storm. I especially like the rumbling that commences in a continuous rolling thunder that lingers and rattles the windows of my home. I love the sound and smell of the rain that falls and the lightning that radically illuminates the sky. I appreciate the freshness in the air that ensues ~ thanks to the storm. For some, storms are unnerving. For me, they can be relaxing.
The rumblings of the storm comfort me. They bring me joy! They remind me of the mightiness of a God who loves me and cares for me. The rumblings remind me that our great God is in control. They remind me that God is with me ... All the time! The rumblings of this most recent storm, while I lay in my bed last night, are God's awesome confirmation that spring is here. Our wondrous God has brought much needed moisture to our parched and dry land. He is faithful in the face of doubt, he again has delivered what we have prayed for.
I delighted in the rumblings as I lay in my bed. I reveled in the beauty of the sounds around me. The clap of thunder, the pitter patter of water on my window, the tap tap of tiny hail on my roof, the drip drip dropping of water off of my roof, the gentle wind breezing against the exterior walls of my home. I delighted in the flashes of lightning that lit up the sky and my room. I melted at the sound of my 13 year old son's voice at my door as he needed reassurance that we were not being whisked away by some violent tornado as those in neighboring southern states were experiencing last eve.
Joy in the midst of a storm. A "real" storm ... not a life storm. I love a thunderstorm and I love to dance in the rain! God's greatness through a real storm reminds me of God's greatness in the storms of life. God is big! He is bigger than all of our life storms. He is a God of wonder. I love when his thunderstorms remind me that he is big. Big enough. Big enough to handle all of my troubles and my cares. Big enough so I don't have to be in control. Sometimes it takes a thunderstorm of giant proportions to remind me that He is God!
Through it all I praise Him. I praise him for the thunderstorms and I praise him for the storms ... the storms of life that grow me; the storms of life that make me stronger.
"And I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm"
~ Casting Crowns, "Praise You in this Storm"
No matter what the storm ... God always leaves us with a rainbow and plenty to praise Him for!
Love it! It makes me miss the Colorado storms. Having weathered many storms the last few years, I understand. Storms bring growth!