Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Carpe Diem

Sieze the day. Grasp life by the hand and live it. Enjoy the moment. Now. Today. Don't let time slip away. Enjoy the here and now. Tomorrow is not promised us.

Our days on earth are like grass; 
like wildflowers, we bloom and die.
The wind blows and we are gone ~
As though we had never been here.  
   ~Psalm 103:15-16

Tis the season of Thanksgiving and thankfulness. I am thankful for this day. The day that I have been given right now. I shall enjoy it. For what it is.

I am thankful for this gorgeous November day that I have opportunity to seize and enjoy. The sun is shimmering in the bright Colorado sky. Wispy, white, feathery cloud tufts spot the beautiful azure.  I sit on my deck in the warming rays with my son. He is home from school this week with whooping cough due to an unfortunate outbreak in his high school. While I am sad that he is ill, I am ever grateful for a day to spend at home with him. We enjoy the fall breeze together and listen to the sounds around us. The crispy, brown and yellow leaves cling to the trees and rustle against the branches. I enjoy his teenage conversation and the sound of his laughter. His deep voice and changing facial characteristics captivate me. Where has my little boy gone? The day he was born is vivid in my mind. I sometimes call his phone just to hear his voicemail message that is yet to be changed. The squeaky little eleven year old voice speaks to me. I laugh. I cry. I am holding on tight to this boy turning into man. He is my youngest and I am not ready for him to grow up. However, he is quickly proving to me that time moves ever so fast. As if I didn't already know it with two daughters off in college.

Our days on this earth are numbered and we often move too fast to really enjoy them; too fast to count our blessings; too fast to take a moment and to enjoy it. To really soak it up by listening, feeling, seeing and experiencing the realm of emotion that we are created to know and experience. Scripture tells us that emotions are real and there is a time for them.

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance;
~ Ecclesiastes 3:4

In the "busy-ness" of life I am trying to slow down and listen to the things that matter. To experience the emotion in all things. To feel what God has created me to feel. To take it all in. To enjoy just today. To enjoy the small things because moments slip away so quickly. They are here and gone with no thought of tomorrow.

Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow.
You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
~ James 4:14

Today. I enjoy today. I enjoy my son. My time. The sunshine. The fall breeze. Our walk. Our talk. Our deck time. Time together. Tomorrow is of no concern. God has it. He has it handled. 

Enjoy today.

Tomorrow. God. Is. Already. There. 

Carpe Diem.

1 comment:

  1. I love is beautiful. I know completely what you are feeling. Sons are amazing!! I was not blessed with daughters, but God did give me an amazing son. I know what are feeling when you look at your boy's face turning into a manly, stubbly face. It is weird. I remember, when Bryan's voice was so different...I called home, he answered the phone and I cried. My boy was in the midst of change and it caught me off guard. I miss his little hands, his snuggles on the couch and the questions he would think of. I appreciate the man that Bryan is becoming, but I miss the little guy so much! We have so much to be thankful for!!
