Saturday, November 18, 2017

Seasons Change

Autumn in all of it's golden glory fades to withering hues of decay. There is a tender solemness in the air as fall warns of the impending winter that will soon come. It is but a season. A season of change. A season of endings and death. And we will endure the winter and its shades of grey as we wait expectantly for the renewal and rebirth in the springtime. For in death, there is life. It will come, just as our God promises. 

"Behold, I am making all things new." 
~ Revelation 21:5

It's a fact of life. Seasons change. The natural earthly seasons. Our own personal physical seasons and our spiritual seasons.  The seasons of our life. It's true. As we go through life, we experience difficulties, death and decay, but we also experience rebirth and growth. There is a time for each of these in our lives as God has ordained. We endure tough times and trials. We experience the death of loved ones, of relationships, of jobs, of so many things that were once an essential part of our lives. Sometimes things that were once a vibrant part of our life find their way to stagnant decay and eventual death. It is during these times that we learn to rely on God and to trust Him. We may not understand why we are experiencing a particular season or what God is doing, but one thing we do know is that God is at work. And when God is at work, you can believe that the outcome will be a glorious one. It will be worth the suffering or heartache that you endured. It will be made beautiful! In His time.

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon reminds us that God has ordained how many days we will be upon this earth. He also knows the day, the time and the circumstance for every event in our life. We must remember that no matter what we are going through, there will be an end to it that will bring about a new beginning. 

"For everything there is a season ..."
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1

"Yet God has made everything beautiful for it's own time."
~ Ecclesiastes 3:11

Trust God. Rest in the season that you are in. He longs for you to open your heart and listen. He is with you always. Even in the tough seasons, he speaks. Let him speak to you. He will bring you through the seasons just as he promises. 

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