Friday, February 26, 2016

How Sweet the Sound

Grace. God's Grace. 

Defined as the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. It is underserving mercy, kindness and patience. It is strength, divine help,  and forgiveness from God for our misgivings and our sins.

We need forgiveness for our sins, healing for our ailing bodies and souls, provision for where we lack, strength for our weakness, and light for our path.

God gives them all and more.

"From the fullness of grace, we have all received one blessing 
after another. ~ John 1:16"

Grace. God's Amazing Grace.

Experiencing his grace and glory on a mountain top. 

"Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound." Oh, how I love the words of the age old hymn that touches my soul. John Newton (1725-1807) got it right when he penned the words that speak of soul deliverance, redemption and forgiveness. His life and a series of experiences (along with the prayers of a Christian mother) led him to spiritual conversion and an awakening of his soul. The greatness of God and the impact of this song spans the ages and is evident in the multiple remakes and variations of the song as it has been sung and recorded by many individuals and groups through the years. One arrangement has become a current favorite of mine. I love it when a particular song speaks to my soul and brings the comfort and peace of God and his promises to me. The simplistic beauty and the words of "How Sweet the Sound", by Citizen Way cause me to lift my hands in glorious praise to our wonderful creator! "It's a beautiful, beautiful sound." "Hallelujah, you restore my soul." 

How Sweet the Sound by Citizen Way  (Click here to view and listen.) 

Throughout our lives we face many trials and triumphs, defeats and victories, sorrows and joys. It's sometimes easy for us to forget about God's amazing grace when life is rolling along smoothly and things are going our way. It's when the bricks of our lives come tumbling down around us that we pause and question, "Why?".  It's when the routine and normal and the "what's always been" suddenly changes and sends your life reeling out of control. It is during those times that we are forced to dig deep in search of the strength we need to carry us through. It is during those times that God reminds us that He is the strength we need; that He is the grace that delivers us. His grace covers us always and his blessings abound aplenty, if we just take notice. He simply wants us to raise our hands to Him and praise Him. His blessings are plentiful, especially in the trials of life. 

The past year has brought me many reasons to take notice of His grace. My year has been filled with an abundance of happiness and many reasons to celebrate, including the marriage of my oldest daughter to a young man we are now proud to call "son".  What a glorious day it was. And through the year, we have also had many other celebrations and joyous family events to praise God for, however, in the midst of joy,  I have been dealt some challenges. The normal in life suddenly became abnormal. Things that were easy for me suddenly became very difficult. And so, the past few months have been a struggle of health concerns and a reminder of my human weaknesses in more ways that I like to admit. Through much prayer and lots of medical appointments, I am seeking answers. Answers that elude me. I have found myself often frustrated and wondering why I have been dealt this challenge. What changed and how can I make it better? In my frustration, God frequently reminds me that he is sovereign and that he has my life under control. It is not up to me to figure it out or to "fix it". He reminds me that is His job. He simply wants me to rely on Him. To trust in Him. He will be the one to make it better and to give me the answers. He also reminds me that my new challenges are small. Small by comparison to the challenges I have watched friends and family members endure over this same period of time. He reminds me that HE is my refuge and that he will carry me. He is bigger than all of it. His grace covers me. 

"The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are 
the everlasting arms. ~ Deut 33:27"

God is my fortress and my deliverer. The Old Testament word for grace is "chesed", which means "deliverance". He delivers me daily from my pain, my afflictions, my sins. The New Testament word for grace is "charis", which mean "provision of salvation." How perfect is that? He delivers us and he provides for us. He is our salvation. Not earned, but given because we have faith. He provides everything we need, always.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith ~ 
and this is not from yourselves,it is a gift of God ... 
~ Eph. 2:8-9"

And so, I continue on in my daily walk with Him. Knowing that his gifts freely flow. His blessings are many, each and every day ~ even in the midst of challenges. We live in a world created by Him. He never promised us that we wouldn't struggle. He never promised us an easy life. What He did promise was that He would care for us, save us, and provide for us if only we would believe. His grace and beauty are plentiful. I look out at this glorious world He designed and I lift my hands in praise to Him that created all. He leaves me breathless in awe and wonder. He daily sends down grace to cover me.

"His grace flows down and covers me... ~ Christy Nockels, "Grace Flows Down"

Seeking and praising Him on the mountain.
Photo credit to Lisa Lococo-Shipp @ Photography by Lisa

Whether it is at home, at work or on some mountain trail. I continue on. Not giving up. Not giving in. Trusting Him. I seek Him wherever and whenever I can. I speak to Him, I question Him, I listen to Him, I rely on Him, I worship Him with all that I am. He gives me peace and comfort. He restores my soul. He is the King of Glory. The great "I AM". The wonderful counselor. He is grace. Amazing grace. I look at God's beauty and I see grace. I lift my hands in praise to Him that created all and daily sends down grace to cover me.

Let His grace flow over you and cleanse you. Let it free you from the snares of this world.

Let grace cover you. Let Him restore your soul.

God's grace. God's Amazing Grace.

How sweet the sound.


Friday, January 29, 2016

Legacy of Love Tribute

Legacy of Love.

It all began on a cold January day in 1966. The 29th day of January to be exact. Fifty years ago. One-half of a century. A dapper young groom and beautiful young bride were married. Joined together in holy matrimony before friends, family and God. The day was snowy and cold ~ But not even the bite of winter could chill the tender love that was formed by the union of two hearts on that day. It was a love that was just the beginning of a beautiful legacy. A legacy of love.

Lawrence Martin Lauer and Carol Jo Reigenborn. Sweethearts. Joined together on that day to begin a legacy that would span five decades that is marked this day, this week, this year, January 29, 2016. That day was the beginning of an amazing love that would endure many trials, struggles, challenges, joys, accomplishments and celebrations. A love that would create a legacy. A love built on a strong foundation and grounded in faith with God at the center.

I am grateful for the upbringing that my siblings and I had. We grew up in a home based on strong Christian principles and a devoted love for God. From a very young age, I can remember the big black bible that had it's place on the coffee table. I remember being intrigued when my parents would read it to me. Mom and dad taught us the importance of a personal relationship with our God and Savior and the importance of prayer. They taught us to live by biblical commandments. In keeping with the 5th commandment, I continue to honor my parents, not just because God tells me to, but because they are worthy of honor from me, and from my siblings, their children. We honor them on this day as they celebrate their Golden Anniversary and celebrate 50 years together.

God purposely placed them in each others lives. Before time began, God had already ordained that they would be man and wife and that they would be the parents of Lareen, Melani, Tamara and Nathaniel. God had a plan long before they ever dreamed it. I am grateful that he chose them to be our parents. Only God knew that together, Larry and Carol would be strong. That they would endure hard times and celebrate good times ~ all for the sake of their family.

I remember growing up on the farm and being proud that we were farm kids. There is nothing more rewarding that good, hard farm work and seeing the fruits of your labors. I remember many days of dad leaving the house before the sun was up and returning home as the sun was setting or later. On those days, I remember mom packing a lunch and we would go meet dad in the field to take him his lunch. I remember many, many long hot days of summer. Irrigating. Alfalfa harvest. Wheat harvest. Herding cattle. Just to name a few. As kids we always looked forward to the evenings when dad would come home early after a hard day of work. On the spur of the moment, mom would pack up a cooler of food and dad would grab the giant tractor inner tube. Off to the lake we would go. We would swim in the water and play in the sand and enjoy our evening picnic. A refreshing end to a hot summer day. Family time at its best.

I remember summer outings and family vacations. We never took big fancy vacations. We didn't need to. Going to Denver for a few days of fun at the zoo and Waterworld or driving through the Colorado mountains and enjoying God's creations and quaint little towns were all we needed. The highlight for us was staying in a hotel with a swimming pool every night! A trip to Iowa and being awed by the mighty Mississippi River and a trip to South Dakota to visit Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills stand out as milestone vacations too! Good times.

I won't ever forget the blizzard of 1975. I remember the fear I felt watching dad go out into the blizzard to care for the livestock. I remember praying that he would make it back in okay. I recall multiple days and nights without electricity. Mom cooked noodle soup over the fire to feed us. We read or played cards together by candlelight. We slept by the fireplace at night to keep warm. When the storm cleared, we experienced sadness because of livestock lost. Joy because there were snowdrifts that reached from rooftop to rooftop. It was a child's sledding wonderland.

Then there was the time that dad talks of having enough money to purchase a particular tool that would make farming life easier for my him. Dad took the money and went to town to purchase the tool, but instead came home with a brand new, red, shiny swing set for me. It caught his eye when he walked in the store and suddenly the tool didn't mean as much as bringing joy to his child. That exact swing set moved from the farm with them to their current home. It still sits in the backyard. It has been enjoyed by all four of us kids, numerous cousins and friends and is still enjoyed by grandkids.

One of my favorite stories comes from early in mom and dad's marriage. Dad recalls that they really wanted to see a new movie that had come out, but they didn't even have enough money to go. It just so happened that a man knocked on the door that day and had gotten his vehicle stuck in mud up the road and needed assistance. My dad wouldn't normally accept payment when helping someone in need, but on this particular day, dad accepted just enough money to treat mom to that night out at the movies!

I will never, ever forget the first signs of a raging summer storm in the western sky and the storm warnings that followed. Mom would light the holy candles and we would pray that we would be spared from the severe weather. Sometimes our prayers were answered. Sometimes we stood at the windows and cried while we watched the seasons' work and crops get pummeled into the ground by the hail and wind. It hurt, but mom and dad were always optimistic, knowing God had a plan and would provide.

I remember the hours we spent in the hospital waiting room, praying, while dad was having heart valve replacement surgery. We prayed mom through not one, but two major back surgeries and the recoveries that followed all. We have an amazing, healing God who has restored them to health each time they have endured health issues.

I remember the decision my parents made for dad to give up farming after his heart surgery. The sadness and realization of giving up the farm and watching it all go on that cold January day of the farm sale. But the memories of the farm are many and we learned so much from mom and dad, from the crops and livestock and the outdoor things like taking time to go fishing and enjoy God's beauty in each little thing. We learned of indoor things too ~ Cooking, cleaning, and providing a warm and welcoming home for all. There was nothing like coming home from school and being greeted by the sweet aroma of fresh baked bread, chocolate chip cookies, cabbage pockets, cinnamon rolls, or dinner on the stove.

Mom and dad taught us all the art of gardening, but I am pretty sure none of us kids will ever master it they way they have! We all yearly reap the bountiful blessings that abound from their garden in the summer. I have loved watching my kids get excited about going to grandma and grandpa's just so they can pick the veggies and eat them!

I remember their generosity always and their willingness to send each one of us to college. Mom and dad instilled in us the importance of education, learning, responsibility and integrity. After the expenses of college, they dipped into their savings once again to provide first class weddings for each of us girls.

I remember their joy when each and every one of the grandchildren have entered the world and the family. They now have 12 grandchildren! They are proud of each and every one of them individually and even accepted one more this summer when their oldest granddaughter got married.

Mom and Dad ~
Oh the memories. I could go on forever, but these are some of the ones that come to mind right now. All of these memories reflect the values you have taught us and the value of family, togetherness and love. You instilled in each one of us a strong work ethic and the desire to succeed at whatever we set out to do. You taught us to persevere in the face of adversity. You taught us the importance of respect for others. You taught us the importance of honoring your parents and honoring your spouse. You taught us how to care for and provide for our children. You taught not only with words, but by example in the life you have lived. Life on the farm is a hard life, but as hard as times were, you two never let on to us that times were tough. You always managed to provide for us no matter what. We never knew the sacrifices you made. You sacrificed with your time, your money, and your love so we could grow up not wanting for anything. You always provided for us and you still do. You provide warm, open and loving arms for us to come home to. Even though "home" is no longer on the farm, YOU are what coming home to is.

Thank you for the sacrifices you made. Thank you for the Christian values you instilled in us. We never questioned why we were going to church. We knew God was number one and we better make him that too. You set the example by making God the center of your marriage. Thank you for making family time important. Thank you for the heritage and for teaching us about your families. We have pictures, stories, recipes, and memories from each that are priceless treasures. We look forward to passing this heritage down to our children and grandchildren.

I thank you for the legacy of love, faith and commitment that has been instilled in each one of us kids and is evident in the strength of our marriages. You taught us well to rely on and thank God always.

And as your story, your legacy of love continues, we thank you ~

Thank you for the sacrifices.
Thank you for the heritage.
Thank you for the legacy.
Thank you for the love.

Happy Golden Anniversary, Mom and Dad! We love you!