Saturday, March 31, 2012

Journey of the Soul

Lord of all the earth, I'll shout your name, shout your name. Filling up the sky with endless praise, endless praise. Yahweh! Yahweh! I love to shout your name O Lord! (Credit to Tim Hughes, "At Your Name").

I have taken a few journeys in my lifetime. Journeys of different kinds. Some with family. Some with friends. Some consisting of a few days. Others perhaps only a few hours. Some journeys are filled with laughter. Some are filled with tears. Some with both. Each journey has a specific purpose ~ maybe it is a vacation, a weekend getaway, a simple trail hike, a soul searching walk, or who knows.... As we all know, journeys can be those of the heart, of the soul, of the psyche, of our endurance, of our courage. They can be journeys of strength and testing. Regardless of the purpose, I have come away from each journey with something learned or something gained. Strengthened in body, mind and spirit.

While all of the journeys of my life are memorable, there are those that stand out as soul searching journeys. These are the journeys that stretch me and test me. They bring me closer to my God and teach me to cry out to him. To exhibit courage and reliance on him. To place my faith in him and to trust him and to believe not only in his ability to carry me through, but in my own ability to succeed and endure. God's grace is enough for me. His mercy endures forever. He will never leave me hanging. That is why I so enjoy the journeys of my life that allow me to test my endurance and my reliance on him.

Let's say I am something of an adrenaline it pertains to hiking. I don't really like doing things that are scary, but I do enjoy adventures that test me physically and through that physical testing, they test my mental strength and the level of my faith. These adventures involve mountains and trails and hiking and soul searching. You see, there is nothing like a good hike to test my soul. For starters, who can deny God's presence and the feeling (and filling) of the Holy Spirit when one is in the great outdoors? The nature, the beauty, the creation that God has gifted to us to enjoy. What a blessing it truly is. His fingerprints are all over it. Lord of all the earth I shout your name!  The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice ~ Psalm 97:1

My faith and endurance have been tested on the great Pikes Peak Barr Trail over the course of 13 plus miles and an ascent of 7,000 feet to over 14,000 feet in fog, drizzle, wind and snow; on the climb of 14,000 foot Mount Sherman in extreme and truly "Colorado" conditions ranging from sunshine to wintery, windy, blustery cold conditions at the top; or the trail to Lake of the Clouds as it ascended over uneven, rocky terrain at high altitude to the beautiful reward of clear, cool, pristine lakes surrounded by glorious green; or St. Mary's Falls Trail that seemed it would never end as we climbed and climbed in search of the beautiful waterfalls; or perhaps the favorite Red Canyon trail that somehow trapped us with a thunderstorm ~ how frightening yet exhilarating it was and how therapeutic was the laughter from that day; or perhaps a climb of the infamous Manitou Incline and the absolute mind over matter that it takes to reach the top in the 1 mile and 2000 vertical feet ascent and how amazing it is that I have gone back not twice, but a third time to endure it. Perhaps it's the challenge that keeps me coming back to these trails and endurance tests, perhaps it's the camaraderie and encouragement of the friends along side, definitely it is the growth I experience in faith and in my calling out my God as I find my way. It is a journey of the soul ~ a searching of who I am.

My most recent trip to the Incline had me more anxious than I have ever been in approaching it. I cannot say why I was so unsettled by the thought of climbing it, but more than ever I had to rely on my faith and on the encouragement of my companion that day. Once reaching the base of the Incline, my jitters waned and I was ready with adrenaline pumping. I looked up. Looked at the Incline, looked at the summit, looked at Pikes Peak, looked at the clouds, looked beyond the clouds and set my sights on God and fnishing this journey strong. We started our step climbing which seemed easy at first. Conversation flowed as we trekked along. It didn't take long for my breath to become labored as the altitude started to increase and steps became steeper. As we climbed, my confidence faded, my legs became fatigued and my oxygen compromised. I had to stop more frequently as we climbed higher. I started to doubt my ability. As I stopped to catch my breath, I uttered prayers for my companion that day, that she would be encouraged and press onward to the top. I prayed for other hikers on the trail. For their safety, for their endurance as they gasped to catch their breath. One particular gentleman concerned me, but he too pressed on. This journey of strength is not an easy one for this soul. I continued on and as I did, I continued to call upon my God. I freely prayed to him ... step after grueling step. I also uttered the words of the Lord's Prayer as I climbed. One word for each step I took. Slow and steady. Slow and steady. Stopping every 100 or so steps to glance at my companion, check on her, encourage her, and continue on. Continuing on in my journey of the soul. Looking upward to my God. Searching .... ever searching for the strength I needed to complete the journey.

Together, we completed this journey on this recent March day, my companion and me. We finished the race. We finished it strong. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith  ~ 2 Tim. 4:7  As we reached the summit, I praised my God. I praised him for the strength I had to complete the journey to the top. And at the top we reveled in his glory. I gave him the glory for me completing the task I set out to accomplish. For he is good and is worthy of all of my praise. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. ~ 1 Cor. 10:31  

This journey, like all of the others before, was truly rewarding at it's summit and at it's end. For at the summit and all along the way, creation sang it's story. In the sky, in the trees, in the clouds, in the rising sun, in the story of creation all around us. The story of all that is good and great and created by God for our enjoyment, for our recognition, for our praise. How can one not praise the mountains and skies, the beauty all around.

My life is a journey. It is a journey of the soul ~ a searching of who I am. I am a child of God. Dependent upon God and upon my savior Jesus Christ to carry me through the good times and the bad. To him I give the glory for all. I proclaim his goodness, his greatness, his righteousness. He is the God of all. I love to shout your name O Lord!

The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all the people see his glory. ~ Psalm 97:6 

To you all, I wish you a journey ~ a journey of the soul.


  1. Perfect! Inspiring! And, as always wonderfully written! Journey on my friend, journey on!

  2. Very inspiring! My friend, I love your posts!
