Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunset ~ Sunrise

The sun sets on another day. A beautiful June day marked with beauty and love. Love born of two joined as one in marriage beginning a lifetime together.

I had the privilege of being part of a very special day that began with helping a dear friend decorate the reception ball room for her youngest daughter's wedding reception. The beautiful young lady getting married, like so many, has endured lifes ups and downs as they were dealt to her.  However, Lauren's "downs" over the past year have included a battle. A winning battle. Against thyroid cancer.

God blessed Lauren with a loving, caring family; a fiance who stood by her side through the battle; friends who prayed and supported her; doctors and medical personnel who treated her illness with confidence and optimism. God also blessed Lauren with a vision of her future. A vision of her wedding day and the beginning of a special life with Eli.

The wedding was picture perfect as Lauren and Eli stood together, siblings and close friends at their side, parents behind and in support of them. A church packed to the brim with friends and family and an abundance of love for this young couple embarking on the adventures that life will give them.  If anyone deserved this magnificent day, it is Lauren.

A recent sermon from Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 by our pastor encouraged us to party and live it up. Live life with vigor and excitement and enjoy the fruits of what God has given us for he has already approved it. We are called to celebrate the blessings in life. So, with friends we celebrated Lauren and Eli's joining as man and wife. We ate, we laughed, we danced, we raised our glasses in a toast to a new beginning. What an honor it was to be part of such a blessed and special day.

As I watch the sunrise this morning from my deck, I think of Eli and Lauren waking up together today, ready to embark on their journey of life together. I think back on the beginnings of my own marriage to George and how very blessed I am. God has blessed us with much in our almost 22 years together. He has blessed us with far more than either of us ever deserve! I cherish the gifts he has given us. Our children, our memories and even the ups and downs, the good times and the bad ... all that has graced our life together and made us stronger and wiser... together. Blessed.

Yesterday was a day of new beginnings for Lauren and Eli. Thank you Lauren and Eli for letting us being a part of it! My prayer for you is that God will be the center of your love and that he will guide your hearts and your life together. And in the words of an old English blessing, "May your joys be as bright as the morning, your years of happiness as numerous as the stars in the heavens, and your troubles but shadows that fade in the sunlight of love."


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