Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Joy to You

"Chairein". Put simply, Greek for "joy to you".

What brings YOU joy?

Is it worldy possessions? Is it material goods? Is it recognition of greatness? Is it exercise and physical gains? Is it financial gain? Is it keeping up with or better yet, being ahead of the "Joneses"? Is it having the best of the best of the best and always being the best?

What brings ME joy? I have given this question some thought over the last couple of days after being introduced to "chairein", pronounced ky-rain, in the book of James. I can think of many things that bring me joy. Nothing material brings me more joy than a brand new pair of trail hiking shoes because hiking and climbing mountains brings me lots of joy! My family brings me great joy ~ their love, their smiles, their hugs, their time, their accomplishments. My friends bring me joy. Money brings me joy or at least I think it does and yes I love nice things, who doesn't? I could compose a nice long list of the things that bring me joy, but what I have been reminded of through my recent ponderings and bible reading is that we should seek first the joy that Christ gives us. There is nothing wrong with finding joy in things like I have noted above as long as our focus is right.

Phillipians 4:4 says, "Always be full of joy in the Lord. Again I say rejoice." Amazingly, these were the words of Paul while he was imprisoned for his beliefs and teachings that Jesus is the Son of God. Paul spent roughly 5 years of his life in a prison cell for his beliefs, but in the midst of it he maintained a right attitude. His true joy came from knowing Jesus Christ and he knew that even if death came to him, he could still rejoice because he had the Lord! Paul was a great encourager and taught that we should always seek joy even through our troubles and trials. Our true joy should abound from Christ living in us. In accepting Christ, we accept the joy he brings. In seeking joy in him first, joy in all areas of our life will fall into place.

What an amazing gift we have in knowing the Lord Jesus Christ! While we may encounter hardship and sadness, troubles and trials, let us not forget that our Jesus is ever by our side. Though our circumstances my be troubling and we may seem defeated, we must remember that when we place our trust and hope in the the Lord, he will bring us through the tough times and show us the joy that only he can give.

I love Psalm16 ~ especially verse 9 ~ "No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice*. My body rests in safety." *Rejoice in the Greek version states "and my tongue shouts his praises." Don't you just love how joy makes you want to shout his praises? When my heart is glad and full of joy, I can rejoice and I feel safe in him. God is so good and I am happy that I can find joy in him. I love also that I can simply open up his scriptures and find joy and reason to praise him on every page. He is a God of love, mercy, grace, goodness and joy.

One of my greatest joys is knowing that my children know their Lord and Savior. I have not had prouder days than when they each accepted the Lord and the single day, four years ago, that they professed their faith, together, before the church through water baptism. It is my prayer that each of them will find true joy and find it first through seeking the joy of Christ. I thank God this week also for the simple reminders of joy in my life and where I must work on seeking joy first!

I pray for each of you today ~ That you experience the abounding, unbridled joy of living the Christian faith and experience knowing the Lord fully. Live your faith, live your joy, show your joy and by it, others will experience it too. Love and blessings to you all.

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